Connect to this campaign against pneumonia | Hike up awareness on this World Pneumonia Day

Pneumonia is the single largest infectious cause of death for adults and children, taking the lives of 25 million people in 2019, including 672,000 children. According to the WHO, pneumonia is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of five. November 12 has been marked as ‘World Pneumonia Day’ as a way to spread awareness among the people. This day calls on the world to come together and take action in the fight against pneumonia.


Some facts over founding this day:

Although now November 12 marks as the day to spread awareness about this ill-health problem of pneumonia worldwide. However, in 2009, more than a hundred organizations, representing the interests of children, joined the Global Coalition Against Child Pneumonia and celebrated World Pneumonia Day for the first time on November 2. Later on from 2010, 12th November started to framed as ‘World Pneumonia Day’.

Wariness-raising  activities:

Although pneumonia is easily preventable and treatable, the number of deaths due to this disease is huge. Thus, the day of 12th November marked to protect against disease as well as encourages intervention in the prevention and treatment of pneumonia. Some activities that are followed worldwide are mentioned. From video messages to awareness programs, workshops on the prevention and treatment of pneumonia are also organized. And all of these activities are just a few examples of some efforts that have been made to help spread this awareness message across communities.

2020 theme & and this year is critical?

‘Every Breath Counts’ is used this 2020 to exclaim a call for global awareness on this world pneumonia day. Pneumonia itself is an infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid. An in this ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, this pneumonia will add some more worsen effects and cause deaths of lakhs. According to the stop Pneumonia, COVID-19 could add 1.9 million to the death toll this year. It could increase all-cause pneumonia deaths by more than 75 per cent. World Pneumonia Day 2020 calls on the government and stakeholders to make a concerted effort to control the pandemic and reduce the risk of respiratory infections and deaths among both children and adults.


What we must do? As Diwali is all at door and it’s known in India for bursting numerous firecrackers, those are a huge cause for polluting air and causing breathing problems to life-snatching infections. So, this year, Say a big “NO” to firecrackers.

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