8 hacks for celebrating a happier and healthier Diwali during the pandemic

Diwali also called the festival of lights, is celebrated by everyone alike; young and old. Pandemic though has bought a tremendous change in our lives, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy it! It is important that we don’t forget to take the necessary precautions while we are busy in celebrations. Let’s look at certain points to be kept in mind while celebrating Diwali…

  1. Wearing masks: Remember that the pandemic is not yet over, hence it is important to not let our guards down yet. Wearing masks is especially important if we are about to visit our loved ones.
  2. Sanitize: Sanitizing hands is necessary as the virus is not visible to the naked eye! Make sure to wash your hands every now and then to keep yourself and others around you safe.
  3. Social distancing: Yes, we know that you would want to desperately hug your loved ones in the festive spirit since you guys have not met for a long time but hold on! The virus hasn’t gone yet. It is important to follow the safety protocols rather than regret it later! You may even interact with your loved ones if they live too far away than risk going there as it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  4. Pay attention to your diet: Diwali definitely makes us indulge in lots of mithai or sweets but this pandemic has already made us stay at home and hence we have become all the more sedentary than ever before. Let us limit the intake of sweets this Diwali and instead consume immunity-boosting fruits and vegetables for better health.
  5. Exercise: Indulgence is not bad but extreme indulgence is bad! This time we are dealing with a pandemic and also the festive season, which means there can be excess consumption of calorically dense foods leading to a periodic increase in weight. So let us not forget to work out and keep ourselves fit and fine.
  6. Educate children: Before we go all out to celebrate, it is important to educate children regarding the safety of firecrackers. Also, it is important to teach them about good hygiene practices and social distancing.
  7. Go for eco-friendly crackers: It is high time that we take care of our environment as well as the people around us. Let us go for eco-friendly crackers instead of the normal ones.
  8. Quieter Diwali, happier Diwali: It is important to avoid bursting loud firecrackers like Lavangis, Sutli bomb, etc to prevent noise pollution. A lot of people especially the elderly and also animals are sensitive to noise. Let’s focus on bursting noiseless crackers every Diwali.

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