World Saving Day | “Save now so you can buy better…”

“The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.” – Proverb


World Thrift Day has been celebrated worldwide since October 1924 to promote the savings and financial security of individuals and nations as a whole, but in India, due to the death of the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on the same day in 1974, this day is being celebrated on October 30. The song “Saving Day” was composed in 1928 by Guinea Valorie and Giuseppe Petri. Countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Austria, Great Britain, and Belgium were later asked to prepare the song.

History of origin: 

The idea of World Thrift Day was not born out of anything. October 31 was declared World Thrift Day at the end of the first International Thrift Congress in Milan in 1924. The resolution of the Thrift Congress decided that ‘World Thrift Day’ should be a day dedicated to promoting savings around the world. On this day, the first World Savings Day was celebrated in 1925. In many countries, savings are considered a stage of maturity for both the country and the public. It is important to save money and keep the economy safe.


The concept was celebrated nationally in countries such as Spain and the United States in 1912 before it became internationally relevant, and became more popular after World War II, reaching its peak of popularity between 1955 and 1970. True tradition in certain countries.

Importance :

The idea and purpose behind marking this day is an example of brilliant thinking of those men with great merit at that assembly. Financial resources are not always available in abundance and that is why it is important to save money and raise awareness about it. Also, this day emphasizes the financial security of the countries as well. Banks today play an important role in bringing in methods that can encourage people to be more aware of their savings in the right way.

Activities on this day: 

This day should be observed properly. And brochures, posters, flyers should be distributed to raise awareness among all sections of the people. And not only these, but seminars should also be held to spread the importance of this day. Each and every specific group of the population have to fulfil their duty to donate their portion in this day. From housewives to office-workers, from rural to urban, from kindergarten to PhD researchers must share their interest in this field of saving money. Mostly, it comes to the bank, those are always there with dazzling ways to attract population to do savings.

Saving is an ancient quality that our parents taught you from childhood. Resources are very important and need to be saved. A well-known saying is – 

“Cut your coat according to your height”

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