What is a Hosted Payment Page and Why Need it Now?

If you are a merchant, you should know that security has always been customers’ top priority while making an online purchase. However, the multiple security or data breaches people have come across have made them even more cautious about inserting their sensitive transactional details into online platforms.  


However, when your business deals in online payments, you must ensure that your customers feel comfortable with your smooth and secure methods. Making your customers feel secure is not just about removing the hesitation to make purchases; it’s also about ensuring that your business is not responsible for any kind of sensitive data breach.  

So, you must be wondering what you can do to create a safe checkout experience for your customers. Well, one of the best ways to let your customers know that your website is secure for their sensitive data is by opting for hosted payment pages.  

This article will cover everything you need to know about hosted payment pages and why they are important for your business.  


What are Hosted Payment Pages? 

A hosted payment page, also popularly known as hosted payment gateway, can be defined as a page that allows your customers to pay for the products and services securely. That is to say, your customers are redirected to a payment page where they feel safe to make their purchases.  

It is basically operated by a third-party service provider that offers payment processing services with the utmost data security in exchange for a small fee. Because you are not responsible for managing the transactions, this frees up the valuable time that you can spend focusing on other areas of your business. 

Why are Hosted Payment Pages Important? 

Let’s look at a few of the many advantages of opting for hosted payment pages:  

  1. Good for Recurring Payments 

One of the biggest significances of using a hosted payment page is that it opens up new features that you would not find in your standard payment gateway. For example, many hosted payment gateway service providers offer subscription or recurring billing.  

So, if you are looking toward getting into subscriptions or already have a subscription offering, a hosted payment gateway can help you perfectly streamline your subscription billing operations with the right partner like Razorpay.  

  1. Safety 

Running a business goes beyond generating sales. This is to say, if your checkout page is self-hosted, you must bear the responsibility of providing a secure payment process to your customers. Therefore, not maintaining PCI DSS compliance can be highly risky because, in case of any data breach, your business will be liable for the losses borne by your customers.  

By using hosted payment pages, your business will outsource data security and authentication to a third party that provides high-level security standards. Moreover, since the payment process would not pass through your website directly, you would not be responsible for any kind of loss.  

  1. Easy Integration 

Hosted payment pages from a leading payment provider would provide easy integration with your website. This means that the integration process would require little to no technical work on your end. 

  1. Multiple Payment Methods 

Hosted payment pages give your customers various options when choosing a payment type. This flexibility depends on which platforms you partner with, including Apple Paytm, Google Pay, and PayPal. It is important to understand that the more payment modes you can accept, the more seamless your checkout process becomes. The best-in-class payment gateway, i.e., Razorpay, provides 100+ payment modes.  

  1. Seamless Checkout Process 

It is not an exaggeration to claim that the checkout process can single-handedly make or break your customer’s experience. Therefore, simplifying the checkout process for your customers can prove to be significantly beneficial for avoiding cart abandonment.  

Even at the point wherein your customers have added items to their shopping cart, it only takes a momentary change of mind that can trigger card abandonment. The reasons can range from an elaborate payment information web page to the website being too slow to load. In addition, the payment page or checkout page is full of potential interruptions that lead customers to shop from your competitors.  

Therefore, the hosted payment page is one of the best ways to make the checkout process easy as it is specially designed to keep your customers’ convenience in mind.  

Looking for a Cost-effective Way to Accept Payments? 

Now that you know how important a hosted payment page is, it is the perfect time to start thinking about adding this secure functionality to your existing website. If you are looking for a top-notch hosted payment page for your business, then go for Razorpay. They provide the easiest, custom-made platform to accept payments.  

You can accept both domestic and international payments along with automated payment receipts. Sign up today!

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