
Foods that help reduce your acidity/reflux issues

Acidity is characterized by heartburn especially below the chest. Certain lifestyle habits like skipping meals, long hours without eating, lack of physical activity, stress and consumption of junk foods are most common triggers for developing acidity. Let us focus on some home remedies to relieve acidity…

Foods that can help relieve your acidity:

  1. Ginger: A common food item used in our household, it has gastro-protective properties. You can either use it in your drinking water or add it in your everyday cooking.
  2. Chewing gum: Chewing gum contains bicarbonate which seems to be effective in lowering acidity. According to a 2005 study, consumption of chewing gum helped reduce post-meal reflux.
  3. Buttermilk: Lactic acid in buttermilk helps soothe your stomach and helps in reducing acidity. It helps reduce the irritation in the intestinal lining.
  4. A glass of warm water: Consumption of warm water early in the morning and before going to sleep helps flush out toxins from our body and is also beneficial for constipation.
  5. A Banana a day might keep acidity away: Banana is a good source of soluble fiber. Fiber helps in aiding digestion and also promotes satiety. It is also a low acid fruit and protects our stomach lining from gastric acid.
  6. Cucumber: Cucumber is alkaline in nature. It is also made up of fiber and water, thus providing a cooling sensation on the stomach as well as promotes better digestion due to its fiber content.
  7. Spinach: Spinach has an alkaline nature and is also a good source of insoluble fiber. It also protects colon health as it contains vitamin C and beta-carotene both of which have antioxidant properties.
  8. Honey: A teaspoon of honey can help in relieving acidity. According to a study published in British medical research, honey helped in reducing acidic reflux. It can also protect the esophageal lining by coating it and reducing inflammation.
  9. Oats: Oats are a good source of soluble fiber which may help ward off acidity. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, consumption of oats can help reduce symptoms of heartburn or acidic reflux.

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