Let this World Vegan Day be a source of upheaval for the guy next door

Vegans are people who refrain to eat animal products with a belief in the philosophy that rejects business over animal products. This diet is currently gaining popularity in world status. And that’s the reason why this day is marked to stand by and encourage those people who adopt this vegan lifestyle.


A small brief over history on marking the day:

In November 1944, Donald Watson, along with five others gathered to discuss over non-dairy vegetarian diet and lifestyle. And that’s how this “Vegan Society” set off. Later, in 1994, the society marked the 1st of Nov as World Vegan Day to encourage people worldwide. In a 2011 conversation, Louis Wallis stated that the Society was founded in November 1944, but the exact date of its formation is uncertain. This is why they have decided to celebrate 1st November as World Vegan Day in conjunction with Halloween, which has been a popular and auspicious way to eat and celebrate since ancient times.

What’s our liability: 

Food habits are also like vernacular. After birth with daily practice, one is accustomed to it and very difficult to change. By force, we cannot change our habit and if it is stressed, can also affect health. So never force adapting, but if one themselves want to adapt lifestyle, we should encourage that.

Vegan is said to be a very healthy and complete diet. But not only that, Vegan prefers not to include dairy products in the diet, including eggs and other products of animal origin and also chase meat off the diet chart. It is said that the term “vegan” is chosen by combining the first and last letters of ‘vegetarian’. Vegan is a lifestyle that prohibits all kinds of animal products, avoid animal exploitation and cruelty, be it for food, clothing or any other purpose. This is such a wonderful thought. A life that can be spent without washing the blood of innocents.


Breaking of Myths: 

In order to encourage a new growing lifestyle, if the wrong information about that is not being briefed clearly, then the whole process of living on responsibility will fail. Here’re some myths:

  • Very firstly, Veganism and Vegetarianism are not the same at all. The only common part is both lifestyles restrain from consuming meat.  But vegans avoid all animal-sourced products including eggs, honey, and dairy.
  • Secondly, it’s just a preference for vegans to choose organic fruits and veggies. But there are many vegans to consume food farmed traditionally.
  • Thirdly, Vegans food is not at all hard to find.  On the contrary, plant-based alternatives are quite easy to obtain.
  • It is said that any vegan diet is low in nutrients. Cutting out animal-based food products (always a huge source of protein) from the diet can cause nutritional deficiencies, but these nutrients are also found in other vegan foods.

This whole month of November can be celebrated as Vegan month. Do spread all your support to those. Happy World Vegan Day.

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