
The effects of the pandemic: a catastrophe for feminism

Effects of the pandemic: Our world is suffering. A pandemic has turned everything upside down and created huge chaos in the livelihoods of ordinary people. The pandemic has spread around the world with a common name “COVID-19”. This is a new type of coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-19 or “novel coronavirus”, which is now a very important issue. “The world of humanity has two wings one is women and the other man. Not until both wings are equally developed can the bird fly”. The above quote has clearly focused on the importance of women in our society. Women form an important segment of any community and play multiple roles as mothers, housewives, and wage earners. Their livelihood must be enlightened. The Effects of the pandemic on women’s livelihoods is an important issue that is being completely avoided.

Now thanks to all our frontline fighters. They are struggling to revive every life and snatched crores of life from death. To date the number of the affected cross tag lines of 32.1 Million (approx.; it changes on daily basis). The only relief is the fatality rate is 3.06 %( approx.; it changes on a daily basis).

  • Studies show that the effects of the pandemic, mortality rate for men exceed that of women. But in parallel, the study also proved that women bear all the burden of the consequences of social and economic issues. Also, women comprise 70% of the global health care workforce. And they are in the main frontline which workforce is falling sick significantly during this pandemic and causing a high rise of infection in women. A report shows, in the US three-quarter of infected health-worker are women.
  • In the case of families, women are always responsible for caring for all members of the family. And it causes them to face more exposure to the outside world and thus getting them infected with the virus. And the worst is if any member of the family is infected, these women are often stigmatized for not keeping their house clean.
  • Now focusing on maternal health, in most cases, women cannot access healthcare workers; they are engaged in saving lives from the current pandemic. And it increases the number of maternal deaths, prenatal deaths, and lots of stillbirths. Even if they are able to be mothers, taking care of their children, and doing all the housework and office work at home makes their days incomparable. The gender-blender attitude is enough to make this difficult life for women easier.
  • In the case of education and career paths, women have been facing multiple hurdles to access all facilities relative to men. Now since all education sectors are closed, so the only way to get access and listen to lectures is an online classroom. But in our society women are not prioritized, and they are always being seen as inferior to men. So having desktops or laptops of electronic devices and proper network connection is not an easy job for them. In the case of careers, when these women are furloughed or lose their jobs, they may actually lose what was already very little with income. The Study says women performed three times unpaid work than men and therefore more exposed to the economic fallout in this crisis.

All these above are probably the slightest explanation to express the hurdles facing by women in this pandemic. Shut down of maximum industries caused high economic, social, and also some case physiological problems. And women are the ones those are bearing every consequence in every aspect. May it the pressure of the family’s economy or may it be pressure from their own working sector. Even cases of domestic violence are increased. According to reports, women helpline sectors from many countries share that number of calls for help is increased in a huge number.

In conclusion, this amazing woman of our society is actually a powerful actor for peace, security, and prosperity. In addition to challenging the global health system, the pandemic has also challenged our commitment to equality and human dignity. In light of this opinion, a clear view emerges that understanding the fair share requires ongoing discussion in both the family and society in general. We can clear discrimination and lend a hand to share this difficult time together.

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