
How to Play Ludo 7 Best Supreme Gold Hack to Play

Almost everyone as a child has played the Ludo game with their friends and family. Online board games, such as Ludo games, help bring back those moments of pure joy. The board games are fun and, at the same time, give you a chance to earn with your strategy.

Before you start playing the game, download the game from the official website. Not from anywhere else. This way, you can avoid scams and get a good experience gaming. There are some Ludo Supreme Gold Hack extensions that you may download to boost your score in the game. 

Apart from that, some tricks ensure you a sure shot win. Below, we try to explain those tricks for your upcoming game.

How to Play Ludo Gold Supreme?

Ludo Gold Supreme is designed to provide the players with a satisfying experience of game playing and earning money all at once. It is time to revise your childhood skills to fill your wallet. You may choose to play a few tournaments of your choice. 

Ludo games are very much dependent on your sharpness and alertness. In the case of online Ludo games, speed also becomes an essential factor for your score. To win ludo game, you must stay alert and develop strategies.

However, some common strategies in the game can boost your score. Here are the seven best Supreme Gold hacks to Play which you can try out while you play Ludo online. 

7 Supreme Gold Hacks to Play

  1. Keep yourself alert: 

Since Ludo is an entirely unpredictable game, you cannot set a particular strategy for the game beforehand. Keep yourself alert and see the opponent’s move. Since you get a few seconds to make your move, checking your opponent’s score will help you to set your strategy. 

  1. Stay a step ahead of your opponent: 

The game is unpredictable, but some simple ludo strategies can make you win. Rather than setting your game plan after seeing your score, start it as soon as you check the points on the opponent’s dice. The biggest twist of the Ludo Supreme Gold game is time. Decide your moves fast to score more.

  1. Take out a coin at six: 

You can get to run a coin only after your dice show a six.  Even if you are running a coin on board, you should take out a coin at every six points on dice. Do this until all of your coins are out and set to run.  It will save your waiting period for another coin after one reaches the finish line. 

  1. Keep moving: 

Now, as you have more than one coin out of the house, you might feel the urge to run all of them. Instead, select one (possibly the first coin you took out after your first six on dice) and make it sprint.  You may also go for the coin that is in an advanced position and take it to the finishing line. You can get a better score even if you finish the game for one coin. 

  1. Do not play with a single coin: 

While running your coins on board, do not give all the points to a single one.  You can provide high numbers like five-six to the coin in an advanced position, but make sure to give smaller ones (1, 2, maybe 3) to another coin soon after you take it out. 

  1. Time is money, and thus, is essential: 

You might be aware of the timer in the game and its way of reaching your score. You can practice playing Ludo against your friends with a timer to increase your speed.  Play quickly to get a few extra turns to increase your score before the time runs out. 

  1. Take your turn: 

It is essential not to skip your turns in the game. This way, you can see a difference in your score. Stay alert throughout the game and roll the dice quickly. A minute of carelessness can lead you to miss your chance, which gets reflected in your final score. 

Staying attentive helps you with the timer, and at the same time, you will not miss a chance. You can train your mind to set the strategy quickly and act fast accordingly. 


These are the steps that can be helpful for you to increase your score while you are playing. You need to take care of a few things apart from these. First, you may see some increase in your score. However, the tool will lock the money and prevent you from withdrawing it.

Second, these hacking tools can send referral codes to your friends and colleagues. Thus, giving you a chance to play with them. Additionally, these referral codes also bring you some bonuses.

Now, it’s time to have fun and make money. Practice your game with a timer and play with friends. Make strategies wisely to show your skill and earn good with a high score!

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